San Jose, Costa Rica, April 2 & 3, 2019 Intercontinental Hotel
Alejandro Furas, Technical Director, Global NCAP
Alejandro Furas is the Secretary General of the New Car Assessment Program for Latin America and the Caribbean (Latin NCAP) and the Technical Director of Global NCAP. He has been a FIA Foundation and Global NCAP Delegation member at the WP29 (UN Geneva) since 2011. In 2008 Alejandro became the Project Engineer for EDU-CAR Plan, an initiative of the Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez, FIA Foundation and the World Bank. In 2009 he became member of the team that developed Latin NCAP, and since then he has been in responsible for the selection, purchase, transportation, testing and inspection of the vehicles as well as post-crash meetings and the publication of results. Alejandro earned his Mechanical and Industrial Engineering degrees at the Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay (UDELAR) in 2008.
Mgtr. Roy Rojas, Project Director, COSEVI (National Road Safety Council at Costa Rica)
Mgtr. Roy Rojas is the Director, COSEVI (Consejo de Seguridad Vial- Road Safety Council) in Costa Rica. He has served as the International Advisor on Road Safety, World Health Organization (WHO) / Pan American Health Organization and the Executive Director for The Road Safety Council of Costa Rica.
He has also been the Technical Manager/Adviser of numerous road safety project implementations and agreements, as well as participated in Committees, for such organizations as WHO, Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), IMESEVI (the Mexican Road Safety Initiative), the Transitional Road Safety Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and Decade of Action for Road Safety among others.
As an international consultant, he has contributed to the design of the Road Safety Council of Peru and supported the formulation of the National Plans of El Salvador, Panama, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Dominican Republic. He has participated as a speaker in international Road Safety events in Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, England, France, Malaysia, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, United States, Puerto Rico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Dominican Republic.
In Costa Rica and in Nicaragua, he has been a university professor in four master’s programs in Development Project Management, Health Management and Social Management.
Gonzalo Peon Carballo, Mexico Program Director, Institution for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
Gonzalo is ITDP’s Mexico Program Director. For more than 10 years he has been managing projects related to urban governance, planning and infrastructure, environmental policy and regulation, and international cooperation. He has experience working for government, the private sector and civil society organizations. Gonzalo’s work has been relevant to bring forward policy innovations and projects such as the Climate Change General Law of Mexico, Vision Zero for Youth, Mexico’s Street Design Manual, Mexico.