Thank you for selecting the
NETS Benchmark-Only Plan.

You will be added to the distribution list to receive communications about NETS benchmark process and will be invited to participate by providing your organization’s metrics and responding to a program survey questionnaire. If your signup is received after the annual deadline for participation, you will be able to participate in the following year’s report.

If additional colleagues should be included in these communications, please notify Ashlee Cordell, NETS Benchmark Program Lead at

In addition, you will receive via email a digital copy of the most recent NETS Annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Fleet Safety Benchmark Report and accompanying data.

The timeline for the annual benchmark report is as follows:

  • February/March: Benchmark orientation conducted
  • March/April: Data collection begins
  • June: Final deadline for metrics and program survey responses
  • September: Final draft report and summary table provided to participants
  • October: Final Benchmark report released and shared at NETS Annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Fleet Safety Benchmark Conference

We look forward to your participation.

**NETS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Benchmark Report is a copyrighted, confidential work of NETS. The report and all of its contents are restricted solely for the internal use of NETS members. The content, tables, graphs and text may not be reproduced or distributed externally by any organization without express written permission from NETS.**