2019 STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Annual Conference
October 9 & 10, 2019
Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel
Arlington, Virginia (Metro D.C. area)
**Conference presentations are available for NETS members (must be logged in to access them) or to non-NETS member conference attendees. If you attended the conference and are not a NETS member, please contact Susan Gillies at sgillies@trafficsafety.org to access them.**
Keynote Speakers
Integrating Wellness Initiatives Into Your Employee Road Safety Program, Including Real World Cost Implications
Vehicle Technology in an Ever-changing Fleet World, Including the Latest OEM Technology Advances
Employer Cannabis Legalization and Policy Development: A Best Practice Employer Road Map
Share road safety case studies, new research and emerging issues with your employer road safety peers at the NETS 2019 Annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Benchmark Conference.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage directly with NETS sponsors who will be on-site for the duration of the event.
Conference participants include NETS member companies from diverse industries, representing a collective global fleet of more than half-a-million vehicles, ~80% passenger vehicles, that travel nearly 11 billion miles annually.