2019 STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Annual Conference

Renaissance Hotel in Arlington

October 9 & 10, 2019

Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel
Arlington, Virginia (Metro D.C. area)



Conference speakers and Agenda

Conference Photos

Conference Presentations

**Conference presentations are available for NETS members (must be logged in to access them) or to non-NETS member conference attendees. If you attended the conference and are not a NETS member, please contact Susan Gillies at sgillies@trafficsafety.org to access them.**


Keynote Speakers

Honorable Bruce Landsberg, Vice Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
NTSB’s “Most Wanted List” — Road Safety Challenges and Future Solutions
Sergio Rojas, Holistic Health Coach, Functional Movement Specialist and Certified Nutrition Specialist

Integrating Wellness Initiatives Into Your Employee Road Safety Program, Including Real World Cost Implications

David L. Harkey, President Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Highway Loss Data Institute

Vehicle Technology in an Ever-changing Fleet World, Including the Latest OEM Technology Advances

Faye Caldwell, Attorney at Law, Caldwell Everson PLLC

Employer Cannabis Legalization and Policy Development: A Best Practice Employer Road Map


Keynote Speaker Bios

Share road safety case studies, new research and emerging issues with your employer road safety peers at the NETS 2019 Annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Benchmark Conference.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage directly with NETS sponsors who will be on-site for the duration of the event.

Conference participants include NETS member companies from diverse industries, representing a collective global fleet of more than half-a-million vehicles, ~80% passenger vehicles, that travel nearly 11 billion miles annually.