drive focused. drive smart. get home safely.

about Drive Safely Work Week


Drive focused. Drive smart. Get home safely.

Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) is an annual workplace safety campaign, providing an easy, affordable way to remind employees of safe driving practices.

The DSWW tool kit has everything needed to launch a successful campaign:

  • Activities for each day, including interactive, electronic-based tools
  • Daily communications messages
  • Downloadable graphics
  • Communication tools, including press releases and campaign launch letter
  • Materials suitable for local and global employees

The campaign addresses:

  • Distracted driving
  • Eco-friendly driving
  • Reminders that most everyone has someone counting on them to get home safely each day

The DSWW campaign has been sponsored by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) since 1996. The theme for DSWW 2009 is “Drive Focused. Drive Smart. Get Home Safely.”

With today’s businesses most likely operating with the bare minimum staff needed to get the job done, no one can afford to lose even one employee to a traffic crash.

The campaign’s primary message is to get home safely at the end of each day. Because chances are, someone special is waiting for you to get there. It addresses the issue of distracted driving and provides materials and activities to help build strategies to minimize distractions while behind the wheel. In addition, tips and information on eco-friendly driving, or smart driving are included. Just by making simple changes to our driving and maintenance practices fuel economy can be improved by up to 15%, according to EcoDrivingUSA.

Although the national observance of the campaign takes place each year during the first week of October, the materials are not dated and can be used throughout the year for continued promotion of safe driving practices.

Founded in 1989, NETS is a non-profit partnership of socially responsible public and private organizations dedicated exclusively to traffic safety in the workplace.


"Regardless of one's job title, getting home safely is the most important thing anyone will do today."

Maureen Mazurek
NETS Chair

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©2009 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety