If you have employees in global locations, we’ve given you a way to include them in the campaign week. Here you’ll find posters with universal illustrations of "The Five Viewing Habits" of safe driving.
You may choose to use one for each day of the campaign week. Each has a safe-driving phrase listed in English, with space left for translation at the top of the poster. A sample customized with Asian symbols is also provided.
The graphics files are high resolution for working with a local printer, or you can customize them, convert them to a .pdf and send them out electronically. Although the posters don’t mirror the campaign’s exact messages, they provide a nice way to include global employees in observing the week.
NETS would like to thank its partner, UPS, for their contribution of the global illustrations of “The Five Viewing Habits” to the 2009 DSWW tool kit.

To add custom text, download the image files
- for in-office output and use with Microsoft software (Word, PowerPoint, etc), choose the jpgs
- for professtional printing and use with professional graphic software (Photoshop, InDesign, etc), choose the photoshop files
Open or import the image in editing software. Space is provided to add custom text. The example above shows custom text added. Below are low-resolution versions of the files.
download zipped file of poster jpgs