drive focused. drive smart. get home safely.

how to use Drive Safely Work Week campaign materials

everything you need to know

Let’s get started!

In today’s economy, we recognize that you are most likely operating with the bare minimum staff needed to accomplish your organization’s goals. With that in mind, you’ll find the DSWW campaign materials easy to use from a planning perspective and filled with meaningful activities that reinforce the campaign’s messages without taking significant time away from the workday. Everything is electronic, designed for distribution with ease and requires minimal printing.

Fact/tip sheets

Start here to become familiar with the two main campaign issues. We suggest you print a copy of the .pdf files for yourself for the most organized review of the information. To distribute to employees, simply attach the files to an e-mail or post to your organization’s Intranet.

Daily Activities

Next, click on the Daily Activities tab and download and print the .pdf summary of activities to plan your week. Note the supporting resources available for each day. To view these, simply go back and click on the corresponding day of the week, listed at the left on the site. Also on the summary, you will find the suggested daily messages that go along with each day. Text versions are available to lift and paste via the Communications Tab for sending through e-mail should you choose to do so. You’ll find we’ve provided several interactive electronic tools for activities that will give you a quick and interesting way to reinforce the campaign’s safe driving messages.

Communication Tools

Resources to build awareness for your campaign efforts are located under this tab. We’ve provided a campaign launch letter for employees intended to be sent from a senior leader to communicate what the campaign is all about and why your organization is participating. If your organization has an internal newsletter, you may also choose to use it as an article. In addition, you’ll find a press release template to raise awareness of your activities with your local media. If you choose to work with a high school in your community to conduct the maintenance checks, we’ve also included a press release template to support your efforts as this is a great community relations opportunity.


Under the graphics tab, you’ll find files of the campaign poster with which you can work with your local printer. We took care to produce a poster that can be displayed throughout the year to reinforce the safe driving messages of the campaign week. You’ll also find web banners and ads for your Internet or Intranet site as well as T-shirt art should you choose to have them produced.

Global Resources

If you have employees in global locations, we’ve given you a way to include them in the campaign week. Under this tab, you’ll find posters with universal illustrations of "The Five Viewing Habits" of safe driving. You may choose to use one for each day of the week. The phrase is listed in English, with space at the top for the translated version. These are high resolution files for working with your printer, or you can customize them, convert them to a .pdf and send electronically. A sample customized for Asian countries is provided. Although the posters don’t mirror the campaign’s exact messages, they provide a nice way to include global employees in observing the week.

Safety Links

Still thirsty for more information? Check under this tab for links to more resources related to the issues of the campaign.

Tell us about your campaign

We enjoy hearing how different organizations implemented their DSWW campaign or if you have feedback on how your efforts were received by employees. You can tell us about your plans or how the week went at

Download the Get Started information pdf »

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