drive focused. drive smart. get home safely.

Drive Safely Work Week

drive focused. drive smart. get home safely.


let's get started!

Welcome to Drive Safely Work Week 2009, “Drive Focused. Drive Smart. Get Home Safely.” We thank you for taking the opportunity to improve the safety of your employees while making a positive impact on the environment.

As an alliance of corporate and government leaders, the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) works throughout the year to reduce costly crashes in our nation’s workforce. The hallmark of NETS since 1996, the Drive Safely Work Week campaign helps employers of all sizes to create awareness of traffic safety issues within their organizations. Campaign messages and activities are designed to “hit home” with employees so that they will take them home to share with family and friends.

Although this year’s campaign is officially held October 5-9, the materials are purposely not dated. Therefore, you may continue to stress the campaign’s safety messages within your organization throughout the year to make driving safely a part of every trip, every day, on and off the job. Because regardless of one’s job title, getting home safely is the most important thing anyone will do today.

On behalf of all employers—again we thank you! Together we can significantly reduce traffic crashes and their impact on the workforce, members of our families and the communities in which we all work and live.



Maureen Mazurek
Director, Human Rights, Monsanto Company
Chairperson, NETS


Jack Hanley
Executive Director, NETS

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©2009 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety