drive focused. drive smart. get home safely.


my driving inspiration to get home safely


Ask employees to create a card to remind them of their inspiration to drive focused and get home safely at the end of each day.

Use the template provided to print cards titled, “My Driving Inspiration to Get Home Safely” and distribute to employees. Print or email the instruction sheet. It includes a sample card.

Ask employees to bring their card in the following work day and provide them with a laminating pouch for protection. Laminating pouches, slightly larger than 5 x 7 are available through office supply stores that will fit the size of the template.

Note: This project can also be completed electronically and printed or used as “wallpaper” on your computer.

This is a great activity to launch your campaign and may work best if “assigned” the Friday prior to the start of DSWW. That gives employees the weekend to put it together and they’ll have it in their hands on Monday to kick off the week!

download instructions and sample pdf (550kb) »

download 5"x7" template pdf (21kb) »


Suggested Daily Messages

Is it Worth it?

Answering a phone call, checking your look in the mirror, picking up something that dropped on the floor…is it worth it? A recent federal government study concluded that distracted drivers are the leading cause of crashes in the U.S., accounting for 80 percent of crashes and 65 percent of near crashes. Yet motor vehicle crashes that are the result of inattentive behavior are predictable, preventable and within the driver’s control. They are not accidents. DRIVE FOCUSED. DRIVE SMART. GET HOME SAFELY.


Look at the Big Picture.

Making or receiving a phone call while driving makes you four times more likely to be involved in a traffic crash, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Take a moment to focus on those who are counting on you to get home safely every day before you make a decision to divert your full attention from the road. DRIVE FOCUSED. DRIVE SMART. GET HOME SAFELY.


Buckle Up Every Time, Every Trip

Buckle up, every time, every trip, no matter the distance. It’s the most important thing you can do to protect yourself from the distracted drivers sharing the roads with you and to help ensure you get home to the people in your life who are waiting for you to get there. DRIVE FOCUSED. DRIVE SMART. GET HOME SAFELY.


Download daily messages (30kb Word file) »

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©2009 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety