drive focused. drive smart. get home safely.


drive your message across


Encourage employees to take the time today to change the voicemail on their cell phone to something like, "I'm sorry I missed your call. I'm either away from my phone or driving. Your call is important and I will get right back to you as soon as I'm safely able to."

Adding a message such as this will help raise awareness that taking calls while driving and making a call to someone who is driving puts many people at risk, including the driver, their passengers, and anyone sharing the roads with them.



Suggested Daily Messages

Let it Begin with Me

We all think we can successfully multitask while driving, it's everyone else’s multi-tasking that has us worried. So how about this… Make it a practice when you make a call to someone's cell phone to ask if they are driving. If the response is "yes," take it upon yourself to call them back later or ask them to return your call when they have reached their destination. Talking on a cell phone while driving makes you four times more likely to be involved in a crash. Don't be a contributor to this statistic. Do your part to help everyone to DRIVE FOCUSED. DRIVE SMART. GET HOME SAFELY.


Carnegie Mellon Safe Driving Wisdom

A Carnegie Mellon researcher shares these common misconceptions over time, disproved by science: Smoking cigarettes won’t affect my health; I can drink while I'm pregnant, and now…I'm not doing anything but driving, I might as well talk on the phone. Wrong, wrong, and wrong again! DRIVE FOCUSED. DRIVE SMART. GET HOME SAFELY.


You Decide

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, drivers make an average of 20 major decisions during every mile of driving. Make one of those the decision to let your calls roll to voicemail if you're driving. DRIVE FOCUSED. DRIVE SMART. GET HOME SAFELY.


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