Focus 360°: Getting there safely is everyone's business.

Drive Safely Work Week

Focus 360°: Getting There Safely is Everyone's BUSINESS.


let's get started!

Welcome to Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) 2011, “Focus 360°: Getting there safely is everyone’s business.” In partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation, we are grateful for your efforts to help combat the epidemic of distracted driving through your participation in this year’s campaign.

Whether we’re the driver, a passenger, a pedestrian or cyclist, there are things we can do in each role to help prevent distracted driving-related incidents. And for anyone willing to set the right example, the opportunities to be safe-driving role models for family and community members are limitless. That’s the premise of this year’s campaign materials and we’re confident you’ll find them to be informative, practical and useful.

Thank you for downloading the 2011 DSWW campaign. Working together, we can significantly reduce the number of traffic crashes attributed to distracted driving and the effect it has on our Nation's workforce, members of our families and the communities in which we all work and live.

Safe travels,

Bill Windsor
NETS Chairman


©2011 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety

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