Gear Up For Safe Driving: Mind • Body • Vehicle
Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) is the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety's (NETS) annual workplace safety campaign, providing a turnkey way to remind employees about safe driving practices.
The DSWW toolkit has everything needed to launch a successful campaign:
- Fact/tip sheets on each of the issue areas
- Activities for each day
- Downloadable graphics
The DSWW campaign has been sponsored by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) since 1996. The 2010 campaign was recognized and endorsed by Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood, and Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, at the 2010 U.S. DOT Distracted Driving Summit. The 2011 DSWW campaign helped earn NETS the 2012 inaugural Fleet Safety Award presented by the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA).
NETS is grateful for its members' sense of corporate social responsibility and their willingness to share their resources and expertise with everyone via the annual DSWW campaign to help make the roads safer for all of us.
Although the observance of the campaign takes place each year during the first week of October, the materials are not dated and can be used throughout the year for continued promotion of safe driving practices.
Founded in 1989, NETS is a non-profit partnership of socially responsible public and private organizations dedicated exclusively to traffic safety in the workplace.