Gear Up For Safe Driving: mind • body • vehicle

Gear Up For Safe Driving:
Mind • Body • Vehicle

The Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) campaign is a combined effort of many and we would like to extend our sincere "thanks."


First, NETS would like to thank its Board of Director's companies for its unwavering support of DSWW, now in its 17th year! The steering committee members for this year's DSWW campaign are denoted by an asterisk (*.)

  • *Abbott
  • *AmeriFleet Transportation
  • Chubb Group of Insurance Companies
  • The Coca-Cola Company
  • *Johnson & Johnson
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance Group
  • *Monsanto Company
  • *National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
  • Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
  • Shell International Petroleum Company, B.V.
  • UPS

We thank the members of the NETS' STRENGTH IN NUMBERS™ Benchmark Study Group. This membership is comprised of approximately 80 organizations from the pharmaceutical, packaging, food and beverage, oil and gas, manufacturing, insurance, and other industries. Combined, the group represents a fleet of nearly 1/2 million vehicles that travels 10 billion miles (16 billion Km) annually. Much of what we learn from the annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS Benchmark Study helps to shape the Drive Safely Work Week campaign materials.

Last but not least, we would like to recognize the following member organizations and partners for granting NETS the use of tools developed and used within their own organizations so that they may be shared via DSWW to help make the roads safer for everyone.

  • Amerifleet Transportation
  • City of Austin Resource and Recovery Department
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance Group
  • Monsanto Company
  • Sierra Nevada


"At NETS we truly believe road safety is not a competitive advantage. The DSWW campaign gives our membership a way to share some of the fleet safety practices that have been beneficial to us in hopes that they'll be useful to other organizations as well. DSWW is a great way to go beyond company fleet drivers to reach all employees with safe-driving education and awareness—and through them, perhaps reach family and community members as well."

Sandra Lee,
NETS Chair
Director, Worldwide Fleet Safety
Johnson & Johnson

©2013 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety