Let’s get started!
The Drive Safely Work Week campaign materials have been designed for ease of use from a planning perspective. You'll find meaningful activities that reinforce the program's safe driving messages yet won't take significant time away from the work day. Everything is electronic, designed for distribution with ease and requiring minimal printing.
Roadmap to a successfull employee communications campaign
With the help of some of our members, we've compiled some tips to assist you in rolling out a successful campaign.
Your road map to getting started »
Campaign Launch Letter
We've provided a campaign launch letter template that you can use as-is, or customize with your own message. You may wish to consider distribution of the letter in the week prior to your DSWW campaign.
Download the campaign launch letter »
Daily Activities
Click on the Daily Activities tab and download and print the .pdf summary of activities to plan your week. Note the supporting resources available for each day. To view these, simply go back and click on the corresponding day of the week, listed at the left on the site. Unless otherwise noted, the activity sheets have been designed for use by your campaign administrator, with the corresponding resources designed for distribution to the employees.
Under the graphics tab, you’ll find files of the campaign poster with which you can work with your local printer or internal graphics department, if applicable. We took care to produce a poster that can be displayed throughout the year to reinforce the safe driving messages of the campaign week. You’ll also find web banners and graphics for your Internet or Intranet site.
Tell us about your campaign
We enjoy hearing how different organizations implemented their DSWW campaign or if you have feedback on how your efforts were received by employees. We hope you’ll find the campaign materials useful within your organization and also encourage you to take advantage of the many opportunities to share them with members of the communities in which your organization operates. Contact us at: