Gear Up For Safe Driving: mind • body • vehicle

additional resources


Below are a few additional resources from NETS and its members that you may find useful.

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additional resources

NHTSA Tire Safety: What you can do »

NHTSA Tire Safety: Everything rides on it »

Monsanto Off the Job Safety YouTube channel »

Distracted driving policy »

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Sign up for our free monthly email newsletter featuring summaries of timely road safety news, events, and alerts. Sign up now »


decade of actionNETS supports the Decade of Action for Road Safety »

Follow NETS on twitter!

Follow NETS on Twitter for campaign tweets and road safety news and info all year long.

The Novice Driver's Road Map

Novice Driver's Road Map coverThe NDRM is an easy-to-follow 8-step curriculum for parents to guide their teens in getting the practice needed to be safe, focused drivers. The NDRM also provides an organized way to log the practice time required by most states’ Graduated Driver Licensing programs. Find out more »

NETS Fleet Safety Benchmark Program

If you have a fleet of vehicles, NETS' annual fleet safety benchmark program will help you reduce collisions, injuries and costs. For information, please email Jack Hanley, NETS executive director


©2013 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety