Kyla Hagan-Haynes
Director, NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety
Board Member company since 1996
Kyla Hagan-Haynes is the Director, Center for Motor Vehicle Safety at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). She is the NIOSH federal liaison to NETS. In her years at NIOSH, she has delivered over 40 professional presentations and published multiple scientific papers, book chapters, videos, hazard alerts, conference proceedings papers, and surveillance reports on various oil and gas extraction safety and health topics, including motor vehicle safety. Kyla leads the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Oil and Gas Sector Council Motor Vehicle Workgroup, a group that develops products about motor vehicle safety for the industry. Kyla is the Assistant Coordinator for NIOSH’s Center for Motor Vehicle Safety and coordinates an industry/government workgroup that develops products about motor vehicle safety for the industry. Kyla also oversees the Fatalities in Oil and Gas Database (FOG) which collects detailed information about worker fatalities in the oil and gas extraction industry. This database has been used to identify and raise awareness about emerging and ongoing safety and health hazards for oilfield workers nationally. She has a Master’s in Public Health from the University of North Texas. Prior to her work at NIOSH, Kyla worked for many years as an injury prevention specialist and epidemiologist in Alaska. She is a native Texan but is currently based in Denver, Colorado.