Membership Information

Why Join NETS?

The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) can help you advance fleet safety no matter what level workplace driver safety program you have: well established, growing, or new.

Membership benefits include:
  • Exclusive Driver Training opportunities from NETS Sponsors
  • New Member Mentor Program
  • Participation in NETS’ Annual Benchmark
  • Access to NETS online members-only Forum to exchange best practices, share information, and get advice and answers to your fleet safety questions
  • Exclusive access to the NETS Membership network to connect with colleagues from other member companies from all sectors
  • Unlimited employee membership accounts: NETS membership is by company rather than individual
  • NETS members-only road safety guides, NETSTalk Safety Toolbox Talks and other resources
  • Discounted fees for our co-membership organizations, including the National Safety Council (NSC)
  • 3 complimentary training sessions for NSC’s Fleet Essentials on-line training program

NETS Industry Sectors

NETS member companies consist of Global, Corporate, Government, and Non-profit employers from diverse industry sectors, representing a collective global fleet of more than half-a-million vehicles, ~80% passenger vehicles, that travel nearly 11 billion miles annually.

NETS Markets

Join NETS to COLLABORATE and EXCHANGE best practices with NETS member companies representing a variety of sectors!

Value Proposition

Learn more about how NETS provides value and actionable insight to members to improve their road safety programs:

NETS Value Proposition Membership Video

  • NETS Value Proposition

    This PDF download contains our full value proposition and highlights key features and benefits of NETS membership.

Become a NETS Member Today!

NETS membership is open to all traffic safety organizations including government/non-profit agencies and all employers who have vehicle fleets.

If you are a fleet safety vendor company (i.e., have a product to sell), please contact Ann Kidd, NETS Operations Manager, at or +1 703.755.5350 for NETS Sponsor membership information.

Small Business

Up to 99 Employees

$195 USD


$295 USD

Tier I

100 to 4,999 Employees

$495 USD*

Tier II

5,000 to 19,999 Employees

$995 USD

Tier III

20,000+ Employees

$1,595 USD

NETS membership is based on GLOBAL employee headcount.

Please select your membership tier based on your company’s total number of global employees.

Membership pricing is based on total global employee headcount rather than number of fleet drivers/vehicles
because NETS membership benefits are applicable to all employees, regardless of whether or not they drive for
work. NETS’ safe driving resources are focused on all employees, family members, and the communities in which
they live and work both on- and off-the-job.

*Traffic safety organizations (non-vendor) such as risk management companies without fleet vehicles qualify for Tier I membership at $495

Benchmark-Only Membership

Benchmark-only membership benefits are limited to participation in NETS annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® benchmark process as well as a copy of the annual report and accompanying data. The membership does not allow online membership access or any additional NETS membership benefits.

$349 USD

Membership FAQs

Tiered pricing structure, multi-year memberships, and more


Contact us today!

Lynda Morrissey, NETS Operations Manager

Join Now!

Click below to select your membership tier and complete a membership application.