Thank you for your interest in NETS’ comprehensive STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® road safety benchmarking program. The benchmark survey is conducted annually and the fee is $1490 per year. However, your NSC membership reduces your cost by 10% to $1340.*
Benchmark your fleet with NETS and see how your company’s crash and injury rates compare to others enrolled in the program. And learn how you measure against the other participants on twenty-five road safety program elements. Examples include cell phone policies, driver training programs, crash review practices, leadership engagement, plus twenty-one others. What’s more, the comprehensive benchmark report identifies best practices to put you on the road to improved road safety performance.
In addition to the benchmark report, your membership includes an invitation to NETS’ annual Road Safety Best Practices Conference, held the second or third week in October.
Members also receive access to the “members only” section of NETS’ website. The “members only” section houses past benchmark reports, best practices discussions and more. And perhaps best of all, membership gives you the opportunity to network with NETS members, all of whom share a commitment to road safety.
Learn more about the value of benchmarking with NETS.
To join NETS or if you have questions, please email me at or fill in the form below.
Yours truly,
Jack Hanley
NETS Executive Director
* Applies to new NETS members and is good for the first two years of membership. Annual fee is subject to change without prior notification.