Shell International Petroleum Company Joins The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety Board of Directors
Vienna, Va. – The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) is pleased to announce Shell International Petroleum Company has joined the organization’s Board of Directors.
Shell’s global road safety programme focuses on improving the safety of drivers – staff and contractors – and contributing to road safety in the communities where it operates. Shell’s company and contract drivers drove over 1.1 billion kilometers in over 70 countries in 2012. In addition to joining NETS’ Board of Directors, Shell is a proud sponsor of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, and a member of the Global Road Safety Partnership, an organization that provides road safety programs in high road risk countries.
At Shell, the number of motor vehicle incidents has declined by 55% since 2008. This is due to its comprehensive road safety management programme. Key components include: leadership commitment; simple and clear requirements for drivers and vehicles; journey management planning; driver training; the use of in-vehicle monitoring systems; and a total ban on the use of mobile phones when driving.
“Safety is always the top priority at Shell and safe road transport is integral to Shell’s business – whether it is transporting fuel to one of our customers, delivering equipment to construction projects or simply travelling to meetings,” said Mike Watson, Shell Global Road Safety Manager. “In addition to a strict road safety regime for our people and contractors, we’re committed to improving road safety in the communities where we work through partnerships and community programmes. We’re pleased to join NETS’ Board of Directors. This will enhance our ability to exchange best practices with leading companies and provides Shell with another platform for advocating road safety worldwide.”
“Shell is highly respected for its leadership and commitment to global road safety and we appreciate their willingness to share their best practices,” said Sandra Lee, NETS Board Chair and Director, Worldwide Road Safety, Johnson & Johnson. “We look forward to Shell playing a significant role in helping to advance NETS’ road safety goals.”
NETS’ Board of Directors members are public and private sector leaders with a commitment to road safety. They are senior level executives who promote NETS’ mission and represent businesses and organizations that have created a solid safety culture by promoting traffic safety policies and awareness activities in their workplaces. Directors guide NETS’ strategy and policies. As a benefit of membership, NETS provides a forum for traffic safety professionals to exchange ideas and collaborate on emerging issues.
Established in 1989, NETS board of director companies are recognized in the U.S. and around the world for advancing road safety. Shell joins current board members Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, The Coca-Cola Company, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, and UPS. Representatives from NIOSH and NHTSA are board member liaisons to the federal government.
NETS is a 501(c)3 public/private partnership dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur both on and off-the-job. For more information on NETS, visit the organization’s website at
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Jack Hanley
Executive Director, NETS