International Partners
The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a registered charity dedicated to saving lives by eliminating high risk roads throughout the world. iRAP works in partnership with governments, road authorities, mobility clubs, development banks, NGOs and research organisations.
The following road safety resources are available at no charge and can be used by private sector organisations for optimal route management; safe school journeys; and reducing road injuries and fatalities.
The UN Road Safety Fund is based around partnerships between organizations worldwide that care about making roads safer for people in lower- and middle-income countries. Unsafe traffic and road conditions are a major cause of preventable deaths.
The Fund has helped elevate critical aspects of national road safety systems in 30 countries across 5 regions. This is a good start, but it is not enough when we consider that there are 125 low- and middle-income countries in need of road safety expertise. Mobilizing additional funding could ensure support to 60 new countries, bringing the total of UNRSF supported countries to 90 by the end of 2025.
Who Can Donate to the Fund?
Donors may include:
- Governments making financial contributions to the Fund
- Companies making financial contributions to the Fund
- Companies using consumer-facing (merchandise, round-up or check-out) fundraising linked to “donate on the Fund’s website
- Foundations making financial contributions to the Fund
- Individuals making financial contributions through “donate” on the Fund’s website
To learn more about the Call for Replenishment for the United Nations Road Safety Fund 2022-2025, please visit: