NETS’ 2016 STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Conference Concludes with Record Attendance

More than 170 fleet safety professionals came together October 12-13 for the NETS’ STRENGTH in NUMBERS® Benchmark Conference held this year in Orlando, Florida.  The conference convenes each year to review the results of NETS’ annual STRENGTH in NUMBERS® Fleet Safety Benchmark Report, as well as to hear about featured road safety case studies, new research, emerging issues, and projects that are underway.  The group has grown every year since the inaugural conference took place in 2007 with record-setting attendance during this year’s event.  Member companies come from diverse industries including pharmaceutical, oil and gas, food and beverage, insurance, utilities, manufacturing and more and represent a collective global fleet of more than half-a-million vehicles (approximately 80 percent passenger vehicles) that travel nearly 11 billion miles annually.  This year’s conference was also opened to non-member companies with fleet vehicles for the first time.

The 2016 conference agenda included a diverse group of speakers from academia, global private-sector companies, performance management consulting firms, as well as a keynote address from Dr. Bella Dinh-Zarr, Vice-Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board.  Dr. Dinh-Zarr praised NETS on its leadership and boldness in spearheading many safety efforts. “We can’t overstate the influence of employers, not only on your employees, but on the entire community,” she said.

Presentations showcased successes in workplace road safety with several case studies highlighting employers that are using technology solutions ranging from telematics to collision avoidance features to “gamification” to advance the safety of their fleets.  In addition to the diverse agenda designed to stimulate discussion among the attendees, the opportunity to network with other fleet safety professionals has consistently been cited as a valued benefit of conference attendance.

“One of our members said it best—if you have a fleet safety challenge, the answer is in this room,” said Joe McKillips, NETS Executive Director.  “The NETS membership is an incredible network of fleet safety professionals—many of whom are competitors in the marketplace.  But under the NETS umbrella, we’re all working toward the same objective and that is to keep our employees, their family members and members of the communities in which we all operate safe on the roads.”

With the growth of the group, NETS has seen its members in like-industry sectors begin to organize their own meetings in the days leading up to the conference so they can further benchmark and learn from each other.  McKillips adds, “The willingness within this group to allow others in the same or similar business to leverage promising approaches in safety demonstrates what has become a NETS mantra—fleet safety is NOT a competitive advantage.  We’re all in this together.”

Members attending the conference and the membership at large will have access to the conference presentations in the Members Only section of the NETS website.  If you are interested in becoming a NETS member, or would like to receive additional information, please contact Susan Gillies, Marketing and Operations Analysis Manager, at

Employers Have Important Role in Reducing Traffic Fatalities and Injuries

NETS’ Drive Safely Work Week™ 2016 Kicks off Today


Vienna, Va.— The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) today kicked off its 2016 Drive Safely Work Week™ campaign, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the annual safe-driving initiative targeted to employers.  More than 2500 organizations representing approximately 13 million employees are set to take part in the week that promotes safe-driving education and awareness to all employees—company drivers and commuters alike.  The campaign comes on the heels of the announcement by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that traffic fatalities in 2015 increased 7.2% over the previous year, the greatest percentage increase in 50 years.

Motor vehicle-related incidents remain the leading cause of workplace fatalities in the United States and are responsible for 1.6 million lost work days per year, with 90% attributed to traffic crashes that occur off the job.

“Employers have the opportunity to play an important role in reversing the recent increase in traffic fatalities,” said Joseph McKillips, Executive Director of NETS. “Driving is likely the riskiest thing any employee does on a daily basis. Taking the time to remind all drivers that they are the most important safety feature in their vehicle is good for the health and safety of employees, it’s good business sense and it’s the right thing to do.  The Drive Safely Work Week campaign gives employers off all sizes the opportunity to do just that.”

This year’s campaign is themed “Drowsy, Distracted or Focused—Your Decisions Drive Your Safety.” It calls on drivers to take a hard look at what they do behind the wheel, or before getting behind the wheel, that could be increasing their risk of a crash, starting with the significance of being well-rested.  The issues of drowsy driving, distracted driving, speeding and the importance of wearing a seat belt on every trip are emphasized.  NETS makes available a free toolkit that includes an interactive driver-risk assessment, graphics, social media posts, PowerPoint presentations and more that may be downloaded at:  Campaign materials are not dated so organizations can use them at any time throughout the year.

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 employer-led organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. NETS’ mission is to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, deaths and costs. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities where they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the NETS board of directors.

Joseph L. McKillips, CSP, Named New Executive Director of NETS

Vienna, Va.—The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), the public-private partnership dedicated exclusively to reducing traffic crashes both on and off the job, has announced the selection of Joseph McKillips as its new executive director. McKillips will fill the vacancy created by Jack Hanley’s retirement from the role he held since 2008. The selection was made following a nationwide search. McKillips has been a NETS Board of Directors member representing Abbott since 2008 and served as the NETS Board Chair for 2014 and 2015.

“On behalf of the NETS Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce this appointment,” said Dane Bremer, Director of Employee Safety and Global Business Continuity for Liberty Mutual, and NETS Board Chairperson. “Joe’s background and passion for road safety, as well as his long history with NETS as a corporate member, partner and leader make him a great fit for the position of NETS’ Executive Director.”

McKillips comes to NETS with more than 26 years of occupational health and safety experience across Abbott’s manufacturing, R&D and commercial business sectors with emphasis in the areas of process safety, loss prevention and global road safety. He was also a participating member of the ANSI/ASSE Z-15.1 Accredited Standards Committee on Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Fleet Operations. In addition to successfully leading the organization’s fleet safety programs, Joe led Abbott’s efforts to implement a comprehensive cell phone ban while driving in 2013. He also championed Abbott’s initiative to make road safety a component of its corporate social responsibility program through school-based road safety initiatives across India and helmet safety campaigns for children and families across Vietnam.

“It is a privilege to have the opportunity to lead NETS at this time and I am eager to continue my work with the many talented road safety professionals affiliated with the NETS organization.  I look forward to building upon the foundation established by outgoing Executive Director, Jack Hanley, as we strive to further develop programs and services to reach employers, not only across the U.S. but internationally, as well,” said McKillips.

As Executive Director, McKillips will work closely with the NETS Board of Directors to implement the strategic direction of the organization by growing the benchmark program and adding to NETS’ portfolio of road safety resources.  McKillips will officially begin his new post on September 23, 2016.

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 employer-led organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. NETS’ mission is to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, deaths and costs. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities where they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. NETS is committed to outreach—providing road safety materials electronically and free of charge. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

Drive Safely Work Week™ 2016 Toolkit Launched

NETS Says to Drivers: Your Decisions Drive Your Safety

Vienna, Va.— The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) today launched a free comprehensive online toolkit to help employers plan for Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW).  The October workplace campaign seeks to improve the safety of employees, employee family members and their communities.

The campaign theme this year is “Drowsy, Distracted or Focused—Your Decisions Drive Your Safety”. The free toolkit may be downloaded at:

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver behavior contributes to 94% of all traffic crashes. Campaign materials call on drivers—company drivers and commuters—to take a hard look at what they do behind the wheel (or before getting behind the wheel) that could be increasing their risk of a crash, starting with the importance of being well-rested.

A report issued by NETS earlier this year found traffic crashes cost employers more than $47 billion over the course of a year.  The cost was nearly equally split between crashes that occurred on-the-job and those that took place off-the-job.

The 2016 DSWW campaign’s daily areas of emphasis include:

  • The roles quality and quantity of sleep play in daily performance
  • Recognizing the signs and risk factors of drowsy driving
  • Prevalent behind-the-wheel behaviors that contribute to a large percentage of crashes
  • Dialing in on the dangers of mobile device use behind the wheel
  • Making the case for slowing down and buckling up

“The Drive Safely Work Week campaign is an opportunity for employers to address road safety with all employees, not just those in driving-focused roles,” said Dane Bremer, Director of Employee Safety & Global Business Continuity, Liberty Mutual and NETS Board Chair.  “Nearly 1.6 million days are lost from work due to traffic crashes and 90% of those are related to off-the-job crashes.  This campaign gives employers a ready-made resource to help keep all of their employees—and their families—safe on the roads.”

The campaign was developed using the expertise of NETS’ member companies, collectively representing a fleet of more than half a million vehicles that travel in excess of 12 billion miles globally each year. Actionable steps are provided to help drivers be at their best behind the wheel.

The free toolkit provides easy-to-use Web-based resources, including facts and tips, downloadable graphics, and activities tailored for each day of the campaign week. Also included are materials geared towards management to encourage the review of workplace processes and safe driving policies and guidelines.

About DSWW

Drive Safely Work Week is a corporate social responsibility initiative of NETS and it member companies. NETS draws from member practices used in the oil and gas, pharmaceutical, utilities industries, consumer goods, and others to create materials intended for a diverse audience of public and private organizations of all sizes, targeted not just to business drivers, but all employees.

Held annually since 1996, Drive Safely Work Week is observed during the first week of October—this year October 3-7. However, the materials are not dated and may be used anytime throughout the year. The DSWW 2016 toolkit can be downloaded at no cost via the NETS Website at

Dane Bremer named new chairperson of NETS

Vienna, Va. – The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) is pleased to announce the election of Dane Bremer, Director – Corporate Safety & Global Business Continuity for Liberty Mutual, as NETS Board Chairperson for 2016 and 2017. Bremer replaces Joe McKillips, Director, Commercial Program Support for Abbott Laboratories, following a successful two-year term. Liberty Mutual has been a NETS board member company since 1996, with Bremer as the representative since 2013.

In his 27 years with Liberty Mutual, Bremer has also held roles in Claims, Managed Care, Information Technology, and Reinsurance.  In his current role, he is responsible for implementing Liberty Mutual’s Safety and Environmental Health strategy company-wide, generating significant reductions in key injury and prevention metrics in recent years.

“Liberty Mutual has a long history with the NETS organization and I’m honored to serve as its chair.   I look forward to continuing to work with NETS and its partners to consistently bring to employers high-value resources to improve their company’s road safety performance,” said Bremer.

“I am grateful for Liberty Mutual’s long-standing support for NETS and its road safety mission and I am delighted that Dane will continue that tradition as NETS chairperson the next two years. Dane brings energy and experience to NETS and understands the important role employers can play in making our roads safer. I know he will lead NETS efforts to make road safety an employer priority—one that focuses on all employees, their families and the communities where the employees live and work,” said Jack Hanley, Executive Director of NETS.

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 employer-led organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. NETS’ mission is to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, deaths and costs. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities where they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. NETS is committed to outreach—providing road safety materials electronically and free of charge. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

NETS’ free electronic parent-teen driving guide now accompanied by two short introductory videos

Vienna, Va.- The Electronic Novice Driver’s Road Map (eNDRM™), developed by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) in partnership with Liberty Mutual, has assisted thousands of novice drivers in learning to drive. To make the eNDRM easier to use, and with support from the Coca-Cola Company, NETS has created two short videos. The first introduces the eNDRM and the second provides easy-to-follow instructions on its use. Both videos are available on YouTube. It’s suggested both be viewed before using the eNDRM.

eNDRM Instruction Video

eNDRM Instruction Video

eNDRM Introduction Video

eNDRM Introduction Video

The eNDRM is a free download available via the NETS website. It is a curriculum for parents or adult coaches to guide teens in the practice needed to become safe, focused drivers—as well as licensed in nearly all states. The interactive electronic guide is built around a series of eight drives that increase in complexity. Each includes a checklist of practice skills along with a set of detailed instructions and space to add notes. The practice sessions progress from driving in an empty parking lot to driving at night and in inclement weather. A log is included to track practice hours that updates with the time accrued after each entry, a useful tool to assist with graduated driver licensing requirements.

Developed and reviewed by a team of experts and tested by teens and parents, The Novice Driver’s Road Map® includes information on the latest challenges facing young drivers, specifically the dangers of distracted driving. A Coach’s Game Book™ accompanies the eNDRM and provides tips on how to be a good role model, establishing rules and other vital information on the learning-to-drive process.

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 employer-led organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. NETS’ mission is to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, deaths and costs. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities where they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. NETS is committed to outreach—providing road safety materials electronically and free of charge. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

Lack of Seat Belt Use Costs U.S. Employers $5 Billion; Drives Up Medical Bills

Employer Program Boosted Seat Belt Use by 30 percent in Pilot Location

Vienna, Va.—U.S. employers are collectively spending an extra $5 billion per year on traffic crashes involving employees who did not wear a seat belt while driving or riding as a passenger, whether they were on the job or off.  This is according to a report released by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS). The same report finds that medical costs paid by employers per employee injured in a crash were nearly double in on-the-job crashes where the employee was not wearing a seat belt and increased by a third for off-the-job crashes.

Nationwide, the seat belt usage rate is 88.5 percent. However, in states with no seat belt law or a secondary law (meaning you can’t be pulled over for not wearing a seat belt unless another infraction is also committed), the average usage rate falls to 78.6%.

“It’s likely most think getting people to buckle up is a problem that has been solved.  But this report makes it clear that seat belts still go unbuckled, resulting in significant costs to employers,” said Jack Hanley, NETS’ Executive Director. “In addition to implementing seat belt policies for occupational drivers, employers should take time to encourage all employees to buckle up whether they are on the job or off.  The two seconds it takes to buckle a seat belt reduces the chance of injury or death in the event of a crash by almost half.  There really is no better return on investment.”

2 seconds 2 click campaign logoTo help employers improve seat belt usage among employees and, in turn, reduce the human and financial toll of traffic crashes on the workplace, NETS has developed a free online toolkit called 2seconds2click.

The toolkit includes a communication plan for a 6-week worksite seat belt usage campaign and is accompanied by a full suite of employee-engagement materials.  These include a kick-off presentation with speaker notes, a series of posters, handouts and activities, as well as instructions and materials to assist in conducting direct observation surveys at the start and completion of the campaign to measure results.

The 2seconds2click toolkit was developed in partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and requires minimal resources—in terms of time or dollars—to implement. The toolkit materials were piloted by Coca-Cola Refreshments at its Bismarck ND site, where observed seat belt usage increased from a baseline 54 percent to 84 percent over a 6-week period. Coca-Cola Refreshments is a unit of The Coca-Cola Company, a NETS board member.

“We are grateful to Coca-Cola Refreshments for partnering with us on this initiative and are very encouraged by the results observed at its site in North Dakota.  This is especially so because the demographics of its workforce—primarily young adult males—can be a tough audience to influence when it comes to seat belt use.  This toolkit will result in more employees wearing seat belts, thus extending employee safety beyond the doors of the workplace,” adds Hanley.  The 2seconds2click workplace seat belt usage improvement campaign may be accessed at no charge via

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 employer-led organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. NETS’ mission is to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, deaths and costs. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities where they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. NETS is committed to outreach—providing road safety materials electronically and free of charge. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors. For more information on NETS, visit

New Report Shows Traffic Crashes Cost Employers $47.4 Billion In 2013

The new report, funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, highlights ways businesses can help save lives and money through roadway safety education in the workplace

WASHINGTON- Protecting employees from motor vehicles crashes could be a profitable investment for U.S. businesses, according to a new report released today by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS). In 2013, U.S. traffic crashes cost employers $47.4 billion in direct crash-related expenses, which includes medical care, liability, lost productivity and property damage. The study showed that employers could control costs by promoting safe driving habits, including seat belt usage and the elimination of speeding, drunk driving and distracted driving, whether or not employees are on the clock.

The study was funded by the U.S. DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and updates a 2002 study, titled the Economic Burden of Traffic Crashes on Employers.

“The consequences of traffic crashes are far reaching. It’s a domino effect that negatively impacts individuals, families, communities and businesses,” said Dr. Mark Rosekind, NHTSA Administrator. “It is critical that individuals make safe choices. Driving behavior change in traffic safety is something NHTSA is exploring through a series of regional summits. We hope employers will join us and look at this report as a motivator to help save lives and prevent injuries on our roads.”

The report shows that more than 1.6 million work days were lost due to traffic crashes, with nearly 90 percent of those days attributed to crashes that occurred off the job, involving employees and/or their dependents. The report details the costs to employers of traffic crashes occurring on and off the job associated with driver behavior.

Speeding resulted in $8.4 billion in crash-related expenses, with distracted driving close behind, at $8.2 billion. Driving under the influence of alcohol resulted in $6.0 billion in losses and not wearing a seat belt added $4.9 billion to the total. In addition, the report finds that medical costs paid by employers per employee injured in a crash were nearly double in on-the-job crashes where the employee was not wearing a seat belt and increased by a third for off-the-job crashes. Click here for an Infographic of the findings.

“When people think of the human and financial impact of traffic crashes on the workplace, they think about company car drivers,” said Jack Hanley, Executive Director of NETS. “This new report is an eye-opener. It shows that employers bear the crash costs of all their employees, not just their company drivers. Investing in road safety is good business and today’s report provides employers with a blueprint for developing business cases in support of employee road safety.”

In tandem with the new report, NETS is introducing a free toolkit to help employers encourage employees to wear a seat belt. The toolkit was piloted by Coca-Cola Refreshments at its Bismarck ND site, where observed seat belt usage increased from a baseline 54 percent to 84 percent over a 6-week period. Coca-Cola Refreshments is a unit of The Coca-Cola Company, a NETS board member. All the materials used are available in the toolkit and require minimal time and cost to conduct an all-employee site-wide seat belt usage improvement campaign. The free toolkit is available at NETS also offers at no charge The Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ for employers with occupational drivers—available via its website at

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 employer-led organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. NETS’ mission is to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, deaths and costs. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities where they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. NETS is committed to outreach—providing road safety materials electronically and free of charge. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors. For more information on NETS, visit

NETS Presented with Royal Award for Contributions to Global Road Safety

During a special ceremony on November 17, preceding the 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety in Brasilia, HRH Prince Michael of Kent GCVO presented his prestigious international road safety award to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), a global NGO.

The award recognized the organization’s contribution to global workplace road safety. Each year, nearly 1.3 million people are killed on roads worldwide, and up to 50 million more are injured. More than one quarter of all fatal road traffic crashes are work-related, according to the World Health Organization.

NETS received the award in recognition of its outstanding work over a number of years which culminated in the development and distribution of The Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™, a widely available guide designed to aid employers with fleets of any size at various stages of road safety program development. This includes those who are preparing to initiate a program, in the early stages of policy and program development or managing more mature road safety management systems and interventions. The Guide is made available free of charge, in 22 languages via

The Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ is unique in that it brings to one document the best road safety programs available from the public, private and NGO sectors. The Guide was written with the assistance of NETS’ Board of Directors, drawing from their companies’ road safety best practices. It also incorporates information gathered by NETS’ STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Road Safety Benchmark members, representing more than 100 companies with fleet operations in 153 countries. The Guide supports the goals of the Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011-2020, the global World Health Organization-led initiative to improve road safety around the world.

Each year the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award publicly recognizes the most outstanding achievements and innovations designed to improve road safety.

Prince Michael presented his award to Jack Hanley, Executive Director of NETS.

Congratulating the winner, Prince Michael said: “The contribution made by the members of NETS within their own businesses is magnificent and I applaud them for going one step further by reaching out in this way.”

Jack Hanley, NETS Executive Director, said, “NETS is grateful to HRH Prince Michael and the selection committee for the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. NETS is honored to receive it. Through its efforts with its board of directors and member companies, NETS works with employers around the world to improve the road safety of company drivers, all employees and the communities where the employees live and work. With thousands of downloads since its launch, The Guide is a key component of this strategy.”

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. NETS’ mission is to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, deaths and costs around the world. To this end, NETS is committed to outreach—providing road safety materials electronically and free of charge. Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. To download The Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ and for more information on NETS, visit

About Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards

Initiated in 1987 by the Prince himself, the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards are presented to individuals, companies or organizations in recognition of their outstanding contribution to improving road safety.

HRH Prince Michael of Kent is Royal Patron of The Commission for Global Road Safety.

Spectra Energy Presented with the NETS Road Safety Achievement Award

Vienna, Va. – Spectra Energy is the recipient of the inaugural NETS Road Safety Achievement Award.  The award was presented at NETS’ 9th annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Fleet Safety Benchmark Conference in Chicago, Ill., October 14.  Kevin P. Wright, manager, corporate environment, health and safety, accepted the award on behalf of Spectra Energy, one of North America’s leading pipeline and midstream companies.

Motor vehicle crashes are consistently the leading cause of death in the workplace.  The NETS Road Safety Achievement Award recognizes a member company for advancing the road safety of its employees, their families and the communities where employees live and work.

Spectra Energy received the award for its “Driven 2B Safe” program, implemented over a four-year period.  Starting in 2011, with leadership support, the company provided resources and assembled a team that spanned the organization, including members from the communications, operations, health and safety, fleet, project management, human resources, and labor relations groups.  Spectra Energy also benchmarked other NETS member companies, across industries, to identify areas for improvement and subsequent implementation.

“Driven 2B Safe” has three main components: Branding and organizational focus, training, and the use of telematics technology to provide drivers with immediate feedback following a high-risk driving act.  Since the program’s implementation, the preventable collision rate has dropped 36 percent across the Spectra Energy organization, which manages a fleet of approximately 2,500 vehicles, most of which are light duty.

“Our singular objective throughout the process of implementing ‘Driven 2B Safe’ was, and continues to be, safety above all else. We want our employees to get home safely at the end of each day,” said Paul Rietdyk, vice president, engineering, construction and storage and transmission operations at Union Gas, a Spectra Energy company. “During the program’s development phase, we had the invaluable opportunity to work with fleet safety professionals from other organizations. We identified a number of best practices used by other companies and applied them to our program. We wrapped these proven initiatives together in a way that integrated communications and change management with training and technology. Applying the best of what others do today has allowed us to be successful.”

“We were pleased to receive a field of nine very competitive submissions from NETS member companies, all advancing road safety within their respective organizations,” said Jack Hanley, NETS’ Executive Director. “Spectra Energy’s program stood out because it was a long-term project with significant leadership engagement that combined people, processes and technology. It was also an excellent demonstration of what can be accomplished when you look outside of your own organization to learn from others.”

About Spectra Energy

Spectra Energy Corp (NYSE: SE), a FORTUNE 500 company, is one of North America’s leading pipeline and midstream companies. Based in Houston, Texas, the company’s operations in the United States and Canada include more than 22,000 miles of natural gas, natural gas liquids, and crude oil pipelines; approximately 300 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas storage; 4.8 million barrels of crude oil storage; as well as natural gas gathering, processing, and local distribution operations. Spectra Energy is the general partner of Spectra Energy Partners (NYSE: SEP), one of the largest pipeline master limited partnerships in the United States and owner of the natural gas, natural gas liquids, and crude oil assets in Spectra Energy’s U.S. portfolio. Spectra Energy also has a 50 percent ownership in DCP Midstream, the largest producer of natural gas liquids and the largest natural gas processor in the United States. Spectra Energy has served North American customers and communities for more than a century. For more information, visit and

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. The NETS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® road safety benchmarking program brings together socially responsible companies in a collaborative spirit prepared to compare findings and share what they’ve learned. The program is for all types of companies and organizations— large or small, U.S. or global, public or private.  NETS Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

NETS: Off-the-Job Traffic Crashes Pose Significant Costs to Employers

NETS’ Drive Safely Work Week campaign kicks off today

Vienna, Va. —When many think of the human and financial impact of traffic crashes on the workplace, they think about company car drivers. But the last published report of Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers—2015™ shows that, in crashes resulting in injury, there is a nearly 1:1 ratio of the cost of on-the-job crashes to the cost of off-the-job crashes1—those that take place outside of work hours that also include non-company vehicle driver-employees and their dependents. The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), a public-private partnership dedicated to reducing the human and economic toll of traffic crashes, is working with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on an update to the report. Preliminary findings show that the trend has continued.

During Drive Safely Work Week, which kicked off today and runs through October 9, NETS is calling on employers to consider the safety of ALL employees when behind the wheel. To make participation in the campaign easy, NETS provides a free toolkit, available on its website that includes sample email blasts, graphics, social media posts, PowerPoint presentations and more.

“During Drive Safely Work Week, we encourage employers to extend safe-driving awareness beyond company drivers to all employees and, ideally, to employee family members, as well,” said Joe McKillips, Chairperson of NETS, and Director, Commercial Environment, Health & Safety for the global healthcare company Abbott. “Regardless of occupation, driving is quite likely the riskiest thing anyone does on a daily basis. Taking the opportunity to communicate to all employees the importance of wearing seat belts and stowing mobile devices while driving, for example, is not just the right thing for employers to do, it also makes good business sense.”

The campaign theme this year is “#PlanAhead—Your Key to Driving Safely.” Campaign materials underscore that planning may be the most critical leg of any driving trip, whether the trip takes place on the job or off. Among other topics, materials cover the importance of planning for travel that takes place in unfamiliar territory and remind employers that they carry risks and liabilities similar to company-vehicle drivers for any employee who drives a personal or rental vehicle for business purposes.

Throughout the year, NETS works with its member companies, all of which operate fleets of light duty or heavy duty vehicles, to benchmark their fleet safety programs and share best practices for continuous improvement. NETS members, half of which are Fortune 500 companies, collectively make up a fleet of 600,000 vehicles globally that travels in excess of 11 billion miles each year.

About DSWW

Drive Safely Work Week is a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of NETS and its member companies. The campaign is in its 19th year and is observed annually during the first full week of October, however, the materials are not dated and may be used any time throughout the year. The 2015 DSWW toolkit may be downloaded at no cost via the NETS Website at

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

NETS is a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, which provides guidance to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 global initiative. For more information on NETS, visit or contact

1 Table 2, Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers—2015™, 2015, NETS. Cost comparison includes those that are directly paid by employers in relation to traffic crashes.

Drive Safely Work Week™ 2015 toolkit launched

Vienna, Va.— The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), today launched a free comprehensive online toolkit to help employers plan ahead for Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW), the October workplace campaign that seeks to improve the safety of employees, employee family members and their communities. The toolkit may be downloaded at:

The campaign theme this year is “#PlanAhead—Your Key to Driving Safely.” Campaign materials underscore that planning may be the most critical leg of any driving trip, whether the trip takes place on the job or off. Emphasizing the importance of advance preparation, the campaign will help to minimize risks on the road and offers resources to help become a better planner for both business and personal travel.

“Planning is critical to safe driving from many different perspectives,” said Joe McKillips, Chairperson of NETS, and Director, Commercial Environment, Health & Safety for the global healthcare company Abbott. “It can be as simple as planning the best route. Other times it can mean planning for a designated driver, setting aside time with your teen driver to practice or talking to an older family member about the possibility of limiting their driving. These considerations and more are covered in this year’s campaign materials.”

The campaign was developed using the expertise of NETS’ member companies, collectively representing a fleet of more than half a million vehicles that travel in excess of 11 billion miles globally each year. Actionable steps are provided to help drivers be at their best behind the wheel.

The 2015 DSWW campaign’s daily areas of emphasis will help you to:

  • Remember to take time to plan the journey—even those that feel routine;
  • Prepare for driving situations that take you into unfamiliar areas;
  • Take precautions to ensure you’re driving with a clear head;
  • Learn to navigate the changes we all experience as we age and how they may affect driving; and
  • Think through ways to plan ahead for driving situations that involve family members.

The free DSWW toolkit provides easy-to-use Web-based resources, including facts and tips, downloadable graphics, and activities tailored for each day of the campaign week. The toolkit also includes materials geared towards management to encourage the review of safe driving policies and guidelines, as well as integrating road safety into existing wellness programs.

About DSWW

Drive Safely Work Week is a corporate social responsibility initiative of NETS and it member companies. The campaign provides an opportunity for NETS to share some of the expertise of its member companies with other organizations, many of which may not have a formal fleet safety program in place. NETS draws from member practices used in the oil and gas, pharmaceutical, utilities industries and others to create materials intended for a diverse audience of public and private organizations of all sizes, targeted not just to business drivers, but all employees.

Held annually since 1996, Drive Safely Work Week is officially observed during the first week of October—this year October 5-9. However, the materials are not dated and may be used anytime throughout the year. Over the past several years, an average of 3500 organizations have participated annually, representing 16.5 million employees per year. The DSWW 2015 toolkit can be downloaded at no cost via the NETS Website at

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. Board member companies include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

NETS is a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, which provides guidance to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 global initiative. For more information on NETS, visit  or contact

# # #

Jack Hanley
Executive Director, NETS

NETS contributes to global road safety with free employer guide available in 21 languages

Vienna, Va. – The NETS’ Comprehensive Guide to ROAD SAFETY™ is now available, free of charge, in 21 languages at The Guide was initially launched in English last year as part of the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety’s (NETS) mission to assist employers in advancing global road safety. The document is designed to aid employers with fleets of any size at various stages of road safety program development, including those who are preparing to initiate a program, in the early stages of policy and program development or managing more mature road safety management systems and interventions.

NETS’ Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ was written by members of NETS’ Board of Directors, drawing from their companies’ road safety best practices. The Guide also draws from information gathered by NETS’ STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Road Safety Benchmark members, representing more than 100 companies with fleet operations in 153 countries. The Guide supports the goals of the Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011-2020, a global World Health Organization-led initiative to improve road safety around the world.

“Making roads safer is a major global mission. NETS is grateful to The Coca-Cola Company, a NETS Board of Directors member, for translating the Guide from English into 20 additional languages,” said Jack Hanley, Executive Director of NETS. “Employers in most parts of the world now have a tool kit for contributing to the goals set by The Decade of Action for Road Safety. Through employers, the Guide has the potential to reach more than 50 percent of the world’s population.”

In addition to English, the Guide is available free of charge in the following languages: Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Khmere-Cambodian, Lao, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Thailand, Turkish and Vietnamese. It is supported by appendices with model policies and implementation tips and complements NETS’ two other signature programs—its annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Road Safety Benchmark Program and the annual Drive Safely Work Week campaign.

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector. Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors. Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job.

Jack Hanley
Executive Director, NETS

Nearly 2/3 of U.S. roadway fatalities impact employers directly

NETS’ Drive Safely Work Week campaign kicks off today

VIENNA, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)— Nearly two-thirds of all people killed on U.S. roadways are members of the nation’s workforce, creating a significant human and economic toll on employers, according to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS).

That is why NETS today kicks off its national Drive Safely Work Week campaign. More than 2200 organizations representing approximately 23 million employees are poised to take part in the week that promotes safe-driving education and awareness for all employees and their families. This year’s campaign is recognized October 6-10.

The campaign’s theme is “Driving your safety culture home” and builds the case for executive leadership to adopt safe driving for all employees as a part of the corporate safety culture.  The campaign’s free employer tool kit provides low-cost tools and ideas to start, expand and sustain a road safety program, encouraging employers to go beyond business drivers and reach all employees with road safety education and outreach.

“This year’s Drive Safely Work Week campaign provides significant support for employers looking to build or bolster a strong safety culture,” said Joseph McKillips, NETS Chairman and Sr. Manager, Commercial Program Support, Global Environment, Health, and Safety for Abbott.  “Whether crashes happen on the job or off, employers bear a large portion of the human and economic cost.  This further highlights the value a workplace road safety program can have on employees and the general public”.

The 2014 DSWW free campaign materials provide steps to engage employees in road safety with a starting point focused on seat belts and mobile device use while driving. The campaign was developed by NETS, a partnership of private-sector companies and the federal government, using the expertise of NETS’ member companies. NETS members collectively represent a fleet of more than 600,000 vehicles that travel in excess of 11 billion miles globally each year.

The DSWW tool kit is available for download at no cost via the NETS website and provides easy-to-use Web-based resources that include workplace posters, activities, PowerPoint presentations, graphics and more. Materials are not dated and may be used at any time during the year to promote safe driving.

About DSWW

Drive Safely Work Week is a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of NETS and its member companies. The campaign is observed annually during the first full week of October. In recent years, an average of 3500 organizations have participated annually, representing 16.5 million employees per year. The 2014 DSWW toolkit may be downloaded at no cost via the NETS Website at

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Hess Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job.

NETS is a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, which provides guidance to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 global initiative. NETS has sponsored DSWW annually since 1996. For more information on NETS, visit or contact


NETS: Road Safety for All Employees Should be a Key Component of an Employer’s Safety Culture

Vienna, Va. – The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) is calling on leaders of companies and organizations to adopt elements of road safety for all employees—not just business drivers— as a core component of the organization’s safety culture. NETS today launched a free comprehensive online tool kit to help initiate or strengthen employee safety programs by including road safety.

The human and economic costs of traffic crashes is significant. According to a recent report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the annual economic cost of crashes is $277 billion or nearly $900 for each person living in the U.S. With nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population part of the workforce, extending road safety programs to all employees would make driving safer throughout the U.S. and lower the cost of crashes.

The 2014 Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) tool kit, themed “Driving your safety culture home,” builds the case for executive leadership to adopt safe-driving as a part of the corporate safety culture and provides low-cost steps to engage employees with a starting point focused on seat belts and mobile device use while driving. The campaign was developed by NETS, a partnership of private-sector companies and the federal government, using the expertise of NETS’ member companies. NETS members collectively represent a fleet of more than 600,000 vehicles that travel in excess of 11 billion miles globally each year.

“Whether driving for work, commuting to and from work or running errands after the workday is done, the time spent behind the wheel is very likely the most dangerous part of an employee’s day,” said Joseph McKillips, Sr. Manager, Commercial Program Support, Global Environment, Health, and Safety for Abbott and Chairman of NETS. “Addressing road safety in the workplace for all employees is the right thing to do and beneficial to an organization’s bottom line.”

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death on the job and the second-leading cause of unintentional fatal injuries off the job, according to the National Safety Council’s latest Injury Facts® report.

“Traffic crashes are a common yet highly preventable issue for employers, and building a safety culture can be a lengthy and challenging process,” added McKillips. “The Drive Safely Work Week campaign provides tools and resources specifically designed to engage leadership to help employers take meaningful action.”

The free DSWW tool kit is available for download via the NETS website and provides easy-to-use Web-based resources that include campaign graphics and materials targeted to leadership as well as the employee-base.

About DSWW

Drive Safely Work Week is October 6-10, 2014 and is observed annually during the first week of October. However, the materials are not dated and may be used anytime throughout the year. In recent years, an average of 3500 organizations have participated annually, representing 16.5 million employees per year. The 2014 DSWW toolkit may be downloaded at no cost via the NETS Website at

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.

Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job.

NETS is a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, which provides guidance to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 global initiative. NETS has sponsored DSWW annually since 1996. For more information on NETS, visit or contact

NETS’ Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ Launched

For employers with large or small fleets and new, developing or advanced road safety programs

Vienna, Va. – The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) announces the publication of NETS’ Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ (Guide). The publication was produced by a committee of members from NETS’ Board of Directors, drawing from their companies’ road safety best practices, in addition to publicly available resources. The Guide has global applicability and is for employers of large or small fleets of all vehicle types with new, developing or advanced road safety programs.  The Guide is available free of charge via the NETS Website.

NETS’ Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ covers key performance indicators, organizational requirements, business case development, continuous improvement, programs and policies.

“The Guide provides an excellent starting point for companies and organizations of all sizes with all types of fleets wanting to put in place a road safety program for their operations,” said Mike Watson, Global Road Safety Manager at Shell International Petroleum Company and member of NETS’ Board of Directors. “The Guide also serves as a tool for road safety managers to compare their existing programs to those of leading employers in road safety.”

“NETS is a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration and is dedicated to improving road safety around the world,” said Jack Hanley, NETS Executive Director. “We believe publication of the Guide is an important contribution to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and NETS is pleased to provide employers with this tool to start or improve their road safety programs.”

The Guide is supported by appendices with  model policies and implementation tips and will  complement NETS’ two other signature programs—its annual STRENGTH IN  NUMBERS® Road Safety Benchmark Program and the annual Drive Safely Work Week campaign.

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. federal government and the private sector.  Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.  Established in 1989, NETS’ programs and services and projects on behalf of NHTSA are dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job.

NETS and Liberty Mutual Insurance to offer free electronic parent-teen driving guide

Vienna, Va. – To help parents coach teens in developing the skills to be safe drivers, the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) and Liberty Mutual Insurance have joined forces to release an electronic edition of The Novice Driver’s Road Map: An 8-Step Guide for Parents® (eNDRM). The new guide is available now as a free download from the NETS website.

The eNDRM provides an easy-to-follow curriculum for parents or adult coaches to guide teens in the practice needed to become safe, focused drivers and licensed in nearly all states. The interactive electronic guide is built around a series of eight drives that increase in complexity. Each includes a checklist of practice skills along with a set of detailed instructions and space to add notes. The practice sessions progress from driving in an empty parking lot to driving at night and in inclement weather. A log is included to track practice hours that updates with the time accrued after each entry, a useful tool to assist with graduated driver licensing requirements.

“NETS is grateful to Liberty Mutual for providing the resources to re-release the Novice Drivers Road Map® in an updated, electronic format,” said Jack Hanley, executive director of NETS. “This support enables NETS to make the publication available to parents everywhere free-of-charge.”

Since its initial introduction, more than 50,000 printed copies of The Novice Driver’s Road Map® have been distributed, primarily through employers.

“Over the past decade, Liberty Mutual has partnered with several national organizations to provide parents with the best available tools to help their teens become safer drivers,” said Amy Leddy, Senior Category Manager of Corporate Procurement for Liberty Mutual Insurance. “Our teen driving research shows that parents have a very strong influence over their teen’s behavior behind the wheel, both by having open dialogue and modeling safe driving. Tools such as The Novice Drivers Road Map® give parents another opportunity to have a conversation about safe driving habits and to stop unsafe behaviors before they take hold.”

Developed and reviewed by a team of experts and tested by teens and parents, The Novice Driver’s Road Map® has been updated since its original release to include information on the latest challenges facing young drivers, specifically the dangers of distracted driving. A Coach’s Game Book™ is included that provides tips on how to be a good role model, establishing rules and other vital information on the learning-to-drive process. Liberty Mutual and NETS worked with Standard Register to create a web enabled, electronic version of the Road Map and Game Book.

The eNDRM is available for free download via the NETS website at

About NETS

NETS is a not-for-profit 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Board of Directors members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Insurance, Shell International Petroleum, B.V. and UPS. In addition, NETS’ Board of Directors includes federal liaisons from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to preventing traffic crashes that occur on and off the job.

About Liberty Mutual Insurance

“Helping people live safer, more secure lives” since 1912, Boston-based Liberty Mutual Insurance is a diversified global insurer and the third largest property and casualty insurer in the U.S. based on 2012 direct premiums written, as reported by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Liberty Mutual Insurance also ranks 81st on the Fortune 100 list of largest corporations in the U.S. based on 2012 revenue. As of December 31, 2013, Liberty Mutual Insurance had $121.2 billion in consolidated assets, $102.2 billion in consolidated liabilities and $38.5 billion in annual consolidated revenue. Liberty Mutual Insurance offers a wide range of insurance products and services, including personal automobile, homeowners, workers compensation, property, commercial automobile, general liability, global specialty, group disability, reinsurance and surety. Liberty Mutual Insurance ( employs over 50,000 people in more than 900 offices throughout the world.

Joseph McKillips of Abbott named new chairperson of NETS

Vienna, Va. –  The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) is pleased to announce the election of Joseph McKillips, Sr. Manager, Commercial Program Support, Global Environment, Health, and Safety for Abbott, as NETS Board Chairperson for 2014 and 2015. McKillips replaces Sandra Lee, Director Worldwide Road Safety for Johnson & Johnson, following a successful two-year term. McKillips has been a member of the NETS Board of Directors since 2008.

During his 24-year career with Abbott, Mr. McKillips has provided safety and health leadership and technical support throughout various manufacturing, R&D and commercial sales and service organizations, with special emphasis in the areas of road safety, process safety management and loss prevention. In his current position, McKillips provides road safety leadership and direction to Abbott’s worldwide commercial sales organization totaling 38,000 employees in over 80 countries. Recently, he worked with executive leadership to develop and successfully implement a comprehensive worldwide cell phone ban across Abbott’s field-based organizations. 

In his previous service as a NETS board member, McKillips has helped shape the STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® road safety benchmark program, is a standing member of the steering committee for NETS’ annual Drive Safely Work Week campaign and has represented and promoted the work of NETS as a speaker at various road safety conferences. 

“Over the course of my career I can sincerely cite NETS as an organization in which I have acquired some of my most valuable and long-standing ideas and professional working relationships,” said McKillips. “It is an honor to serve as the NETS Chairman and I look forward to building on the tremendous momentum we have achieved over the years.”

“Abbott’s commitment to road safety extends beyond its business drivers and reaches all its employees and their families, as well,” said Jack Hanley, NETS Executive Director. “In addition to Joe’s subject matter expertise, he understands the complexity and challenges of developing, implementing and sustaining a global road safety program. His tactical skills combined with his strategic vision will contribute significantly to achieving the NETS mission of improving road safety throughout the world.” 

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company B.V. and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors. Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job.

NETS Kicks off Drive Safely Work Week™, Promoting Integrated Approach to Safe Driving

VIENNA, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) kicked off today its national Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) campaign. More than 2500 organizations representing approximately 13 million employees are poised to take part in the week that promotes safe-driving education and awareness materials for all employees and their families. This year’s campaign is recognized October 7-11.

Motor vehicle-related incidents remain the leading cause of workplace fatalities in the United States. Transportation incidents accounted for more than 2 out of every 5 fatal work injuries in 2012, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This year’s campaign theme is “Gear Up for Safe driving- Mind · Body · Vehicle.” Campaign materials illustrate how maintenance of mind, body and vehicle are all connected and essential components to being a safe driver. Resources, tips and activities are provided to help drivers be at their best behind the wheel. The campaign was developed using the expertise of NETS’ member companies, collectively representing a fleet of more than half a million vehicles that travel in excess of 10 billion miles globally each year.

“There is a natural, yet potentially over-looked connection between wellness and road safety,” said Sandra Lee, NETS Chair and Director of Worldwide Fleet Safety for Johnson & Johnson. “This year’s campaign highlights that connection and offers practical steps that can be taken to improve both physical and mental fitness for drivers of all ages.”

The DSWW campaign focuses on the importance of issues that include:

  • Regular vision screening;
  • Being well-rested and properly fueled for sustained energy;
  • Keeping your vehicle healthy through preventative maintenance; and
  • Getting the right ergonomic fit to your vehicle for maximized field of vision, comfort and well-being.

Drive Safely Work Week is observed annually during the first week of October. However, the materials are not dated and may be used anytime throughout the year. Over the past three years, an average of 3500 organizations has participated annually, representing 16.5 million employees per year. The DSWW 2013 toolkit can be downloaded in English and Spanish at no cost via the NETS Website at

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector. Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors. Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job. NETS has sponsored DSWW annually since 1996. For more information on NETS, visit or contact


Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS)
Jack Hanley

NETS expands reach of Drive Safely Work Week™ campaign with Spanish materials

Vienna, VA.  The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) today announced the 2013 Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) tool kit is now available in Spanish. The Spanish-language translation was made possible through NETS’ partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Nearly 38 million U.S. residents speak Spanish at home, according to the U.S. Census.

Drive Safely Work Week will be nationally recognized October 7-11. This year’s campaign theme is “Gear Up for Safe driving- Mind, Body, Vehicle.”  The free tool kit is available to download from NETS’ Website at

Traffic crashes remain the leading contributor to fatal work injuries, according to the most recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “NETS wants to reach as many employees and employee family members as possible with the safe-driving messages of the DSWW campaign,” said Jack Hanley, NETS Executive Director. “We are grateful to NHTSA for helping to expand the campaign’s reach.”

The employer tool kit provides easy-to-use Web-based resources that illustrate how maintenance of mind, body and vehicle are all connected and essential components to being a safe driver. Actionable steps are provided to help drivers be at their best behind the wheel. The campaign was developed using the expertise of NETS’ member companies, collectively representing a fleet of more than half a million vehicles that travel in excess of 10 billion miles globally each year.

About DSWW

Drive Safely Work Week is observed annually during the first week of October —  the week of Oct. 7-11 in 2013. However, the materials are not dated and may be used anytime throughout the year.  Over the past three years, an average of 3500 organizations has participated annually, representing 16.5 million employees per year. NETS has produced DSWW since 1996.

About NETS

NETS is a 501(c) 3 organization, a partnership between the U.S. Federal government and the private sector.  Board members include Abbott, AmeriFleet Transportation, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Monsanto Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, Shell International Petroleum Company and UPS. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health serve as federal liaisons to the board of directors.  Established in 1989, NETS is dedicated to improving the safety of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur on-and-off the job.

NETS is a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration and encourages employers to participate in Drive Safely Work Week as an example of what can be done in the U.S. to support the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. For more information on NETS or The Decade of Action for Road Safety, visit or contact